Monday, May 25, 2015

Azure Scheduler - Job Schedule Starting On value explained

PROBLEM: For me it wasn't clear what value the Azure Scheduler - Job Schedule "Starting On" value was meant to represent (there is a list of times AM and PM and list of UTC offsets). I wasn't sure if I was meant to be entering the GMT (UTC) value for when I wanted my job to run or the local time I wanted the job to run (it's obvious after you do it). (if you just want general info on Azure Scheduler hit this link:

SOLUTION: Short answer, it is the local time. When creating a new scheduled job, the job schedule "Starting On" value is the local date/time you want the job to run, to which you apply the relevant UTC offset based on the time zone of the local area e.g. If I want a job to execute at 8.30pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time i.e. not daylight savings), I'd set the date to the date I want and the time to 8.30 PM and the UTC drop down list to UTC 10:00 (i.e. the time is not a GMT/UTC time, it is the local time zone you're interested in, reflected by the UTC offset value).

When you click Save, Azure will then convert this to a GMT (UTC - go here if you want the technical difference between the two value e.g. 2015-05-25 8:30 PM UTC 10:00 will display as Mon, 25 May 2015 10:30:00 GMT (you'll no longer see the local time and UTC offset that you originally entered, this confused me a bit when looking at other schedules that others had set up).

NOTE: The big gotcha is that all that is saved is a GMT time, not a time zone - this means you'll potentially need to update your schedule for daylight savings.

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