Friday, September 14, 2012

Multiple HTTP Redirects in IIS 7

PROBLEM: On one of our websites we recently moved from having a separate mobile site vs full site to just having a full site with "responsive design".  We initially just put in place a HTTP Redirect (301) in place via IIS 7 for the mobile site to redirect all mobile pages to the home page of the full site (hoping that people would update their bookmarks after getting redirected) - feedback said people didn't want to update their bookmarks so we needed a way to put in place multiple redirects.

SOLUTION: I couldn't see a way to put multiple HTTP Redirect rules in place easily via IIS 7 for a single site so I decided to use "URL Rewrite 2.0" for IIS 7, a module/extension for IIS provided by Microsoft that has to be downloaded and installed separately (watch out for the first gotcha!)
  1. To install download it from which will install it via the Web Platform Installer... BUT... be aware, that despite a lack of warning it will:
    1. Stop all the websites on your server.
    2. Require a server reboot before you can use it
  2. After you've scrambled to reboot your server after seeing all your sites down then it's simply a matter of opening the "URL Rewrite" module you'll now see in IIS for your site and creating a number of redirect rules - here is some info: but this is what I did
    • Requested URL = Matches Pattern
    • Using = Regular Expressions (man, these always suck if you haven't learnt them! A cheat sheet might help you: ... I find trying to search for regular expressions in regexlib is pointless if it's a general concept you're looking for e.g. "find me all matches with a word but not having this word" vs "email validator")
    • Pattern: e.g. (?!.*timetable.*)^clubs/(.*)/(.*)$
      • Matches any URL that starts with clubs/ and doesn't contain the word timetable
    • Another example: ^clubs/(.*)/(.*)/timetable.*$
      • Matches any URL that starts with clubs/ and then has timetable at the end
    • Ignore case = ticked
    • Action Type: Redirect
    • Redirect URL: e.g.{R:1}/{R:2}/ (see how you can grab anything from the regular expression that was in brackets (known as a back reference apparently) and use it in the redirect URL.
    • Another example:{R:1}/{R:2}/timetable/
    • Append Query String = false (not required since we were using friendly urls without query strings anyway).
    • Redirect Type: Permanent (301).
  3. To ensure all other pages are redirected to the root of your homepage simply update your HTTP Redirect settings in IIS
    1. Redirect requests to this destination: Ticked
    3. Redirect all requests to exact destination (instead of relative to destination).
    4. Status code: Permanent (301).
I'm sure there are better ways out there and would love to hear them.  Otherwise hopefully this helps someone else - at the very least hopefully someone will read the warning about the installation of URL Rewrite causing your sites to stop and the server requiring a reboot!