Friday, May 24, 2013

Publishing encrypted connection strings in web.config

PROBLEM: You publish your website to a server (e.g. Stage or Production) and then have to manually run a command to encrypt the connectionStrings within the web.config (would be nice for the publish process to just take care of everything) - this guy on stackoverflow had the same issue:

SOLUTION: Take the encrypted portion of the web.config (remember you'll need to be remoted on to your server to do the encryption) and add to your Web.[CONFIGURATION].config transformation file e.g. Web.Stage.config or Web.Release.config... since the encryption is based on machine keys you'll need to have a different transformation file for each server that you are deploying to.  This is all quite simple, I just never thought of doing it before - the hardest bit was finding the syntax for the web.config transformation file - the syntax I've got below works but the compiler will flag a warning about invalid syntax i.e.

Warning 15 The element 'connectionStrings' has invalid child element 'EncryptedData' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'add, remove, clear'. C:\DevTFS\YourProject\Web.Stage.config 14 6 YourProject

 (I'm open to suggestions on how to make it compliant and still work).

Step 1.
Encrypt connectionStrings in the web.config as per: or

I keep a batch file in the root of my website for this:

echo "This will Encrypt or Decrypt the Connections section of web.config - it should be run after deploying to any publicly accessible version of the site e.g. production."

CHOICE /C:ed /M "Encrypt or Decrypt"

IF %errorlevel%==1 goto enc
IF %errorlevel%==2 goto dec

echo "Encrypting section connectionStrings"
c:\WINDOWS\\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis -pef "connectionStrings" %CD%
goto EOF

echo "Decrypting section connectionStrings"
c:\WINDOWS\\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis -pdf "connectionStrings" %CD%


Step 2.

Add the following to your Web.[Config].config file...

  <connectionStrings configProtectionProvider="RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider"

And then copy and paste the <EncryptedData> elements from your encrypted web.config file on your server between these tags e.g.

  <connectionStrings configProtectionProvider="RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider" xdt:Transform="Replace">
    <EncryptedData Type=""
      <EncryptionMethod Algorithm="" />
      <KeyInfo xmlns="">
        <EncryptedKey xmlns="">
          <EncryptionMethod Algorithm="" />
          <KeyInfo xmlns="">
            <KeyName>Rsa Key</KeyName>

Credit goes to this guy for actually adding a useful comment to (unfortunately they are few and far between) -